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Mandelbrot 04

Source code: mandelbrot01    Built with Processing

Doctor Matt >> Graphics

This applet displays the so called Mandelbrot lemniscates. We defined the polynomial sequence P like this: let P0=z, and, for n>0, Pn = Pn-12+z. We then define the lemniscates as the set of points with |Pn(z)|=1.

This applet shows these lemniscates approximately. The number of "iterations" is n, and what is shown in white is the set of points z with ||Pn(z)|2-1|< error.

If you increase the number of iterations, and decrease the error, you can see the set of white points approaches the boundary of the Mandelbrot set.

Key controls:

q/wincrease/decrease number of iterations by 1
a/sdecrease/increase error by a factor of 2
z/xzoom out/in by a factor of 4

Clicking on the image recenters and zooms in by a factor of 4.