Uvulas in non-humans?

This is the question: do any non-humans have uvulas? I am looking for definitive information either way: that species X has uvulas, or that species X does not have uvulas. Below is the current state of the research.

Please email me if you have any thoughts on the subject.

horsenoThis is the first conclusive information I have found. In the 11th editions of Encyclopedia Brittanica it states:
The [horse] palate is long and narrow; its mucous surface has seventeen pairs of not very sharply defined oblique ridges, extending as far back as the last molar tooth, beyond which the velum palati extends for about 3 in., having a soft corrugated surface, and ending posteriorly in an arched border without a uvula.
dogs, cats, birdsno According to our cat's vet, dogs, cats and birds do not have uvulas. Some dogs (e.g. bulldogs) with short heads may have fleshy bits in the back of their throats that may appear similar to uvulas, though apparently they are not uvulas.